Food From My Childhood
Memories of Childhood Foods
I did not like milk. Actually I hated it. Everyone had milk when I was at school; me, I just would not drink it. In fact, I was given special permission to keep the milk with me all day, I guess they were hoping I would drink it all; as far as I can remember, I never drank a whole carton.
Whatever the illness or ailment that you had, the prescription was always a nice glass of warmed milk. My parents used to say “Drink it, it will make you feel better”. Of course, I did do as I was told but, true to form, every time I was sick afterwards, so eventually they did stop giving it to me.
My parents and others still had their warm milk, but just the smell of it would make me feel sick. They would try to disguise it in Horlicks or Ovaltine but again the smell and look of it would make me feel sick, and I was sick many times just through that smell. To this day I cannot stand the smell of warmed milk, or anything like it. It just makes me feel sick.
I few years ago, on holiday, we all went into a well-known shop to get a sandwich. I had to run out and leave them there as it had that smell of warm milk and melted cheese. I was almost sick inside the shop, just got out in time. I was quite white and green looking when they came out to me with the sandwiches. We have all had many a laugh over it since.
But the strange thing is, give me custard and I love it, even though it has milk in it.
I absolutely loved trifle. If you asked me, when I was a child, “What pudding do you want?”, I would always say trifle. Sadly, we only had trifle on special occasions, Christmas, Easter or special family times together.
I have photos taken of me as a child. I’m not looking at the camera, I’m more interested in my trifle!! It is still one of my favourite puddings today.
Jam Sandwiches
When I was little, we always seemed to have jam sandwiches, and I loved them. No matter whose house we went to, there was always a jam sandwich to have.
My Mom always made her own jam. I have wished many a time that I had taken note of how she did it, especially her Damson Jam. I haven’t had a Jam sandwich for years but I am certainly feeling the urge right now.
Writing this brief note has brought back so many happy memories - well, perhaps not the warm milk - so I am going to make a trifle for the weekend, and I think it is going to have to be a jam sandwich for lunch.
Linda Downes
Childhood Food Memories
My Mom loved vegetables! She wasn’t a vegetarian, she just liked them, and she would pile her plate high no matter what the meal. Mom was particularly fond of the Cruciferous kind – Cauliflower, Sprouts and Cabbage; in contrast, I as a child hated all three, but that did not deter Mom from giving me generous portions of the offending articles. Under protest I would tolerate modest amounts of cauliflower or cabbage but sprouts! that was a different thing altogether, I disliked them beyond belief. Mom would try all sorts of cunning tricks to get me to eat them, including hiding them under a pile of lovely fluffy mashed potato, I don’t know how she could think that I would eat them with the potato and not notice, it is not like they were of a similar consistency, but you had to give her 10 out of 10 for trying. As I got into my teens, I did rebel and I would leave the vegetables on my plate until, in the end, she got frustrated at the waste and gave up, replacing the three types with peas or green beans which I was always happy to eat. Today, I am much more accommodating, I will eat cauliflower, and also cabbage as long as it is either white or red, but I still do not like the green version. And I will eat sprouts, albeit in very small amounts i.e. 2 or 3 at most.
Another of Mom’s favourite foods was “Coconut”. She would sometimes buy a real one and try to get me to eat chunks of it; again I found it disagreeable as I didn’t like the taste, and the texture always set my teeth on edge. Not deterred by my aversion to one of her favourites, she would buy desiccated coconut and put it in as many of her puddings and cakes as she could get away with. One of her favourites was “Coconut Tartlets”, it was her own recipe and she never gave up trying to get me to eat one of them. Sometimes I would feel guilty and succumb to eating one when she appeared to be a little bit offended by my continued refusals, but I really did not enjoy them. Whenever we had a family party you could guarantee there would be a plate of ”tartlets” on the table and she would often do a batch of them for her local church events. Mom continued to bake her tartlets until she became ill at the age of 81 and YES she also still tried her best to get me to eat one, she was a very determined lady - Bless her!
Pam Turner
Mom with a plate of her legendary “Coconut Tartlets”
School Dinners
Although much of my early childhood was during wartime, rationing meant that we had enough food; and my mother was a good housekeeper and cook, so she made the best from what was available. I was able to walk home from primary school after the morning session and have a hot home cooked meal before walking back for the restart of lessons at 2.00 pm; and although some children had school dinners in the Junior School, I never did.
Things changed when I went to the Grammar School in 1947. It was a bus ride to get home so I had to stay for school dinners. They were horrible. At least I thought so. There was only one dish I liked; that was cheese pie, and even then I can remember that the tin sometimes gave the bottom of the pastry a metallic taste that set my teeth on edge. Cabbage was boiled to the point of submission and one time we girls were both fascinated and horrified to find a scouring pad woven into the shreds of the watery grey cabbage.
Puddings were more palatable. Rice pudding came with a dollop of orangy jam, and the custard - when not lumpy - went well with jam roly poly and spotted dick. Sago pudding however with its gelatinous affinity to frogspawn was not very popular. Eventually my mother allowed me to take sandwiches instead, and have a lovely home cooked dinner in the evening.
I think that I was very lucky because, if my mother had gone out to work, I would probably have had to endure the meals until I left school.
Sheila Clarke
I was born in the era of rationing, but only just. The last restrictions were lifted a few weeks later. The impact lived on in our house for a much longer time. My mother was determined not to run out of important items. There was no need to worry if you emptied the packet of sugar. The cupboard above would have another one. This was the trigger to buy more. This system has many parallels to modern production control systems. The Japanese word is Kanban. I am pretty sure that any reference to Japanese terms would not have been well received in those days. The important thing was that the system worked.
Our food was plain. Meat, potatoes, two (or more) vegetables and gravy. The vegetables were very well cooked. Heavy on the vegetables, light on the meat. Roast on a Sunday. Cold on a Monday. Potatoes cooked every which way imaginable.
It is quite instructive to consider the things that we did not eat. Pasta? I don’t think so, although it made an appearance in later years. Rice? Only in the eponymous pudding. Curry? No. Chinese? No. Pizza? No. Burgers? No, but we did have rissoles, heavy on the breadcrumbs, light on the meat. Nothing frozen, because we did not have a freezer. I am not sure that we had a fridge in the early days. There was a larder, with a cold slab in it. This wasn’t a problem. The milk was delivered every day, in recyclable glass bottles, by a man driving an electric vehicle. How modern!
Keith Stanley
Marrow stuffed with Sausage Meat
The cautious approach to the lifting of coronavirus restrictions during the first half of 2021 has led many families to book a “staycation” for their annual summer holiday. Of course, it is not that long ago that holidays in the UK were the norm; back then, there were no foreign getaways to the sunny beaches of the Mediterranean, let alone to far flung exotic locations.
Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s it wasn’t air travel that excited my imagination, it was the short half an hour journey from Lymington to Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight ferry. At the time, the Isle of Wight was the chosen destination for many families from the Midlands, Walsall in particular, so much so that, each day, we would vie to be the first to spot a car with DH on its number plate, DH being the code for a Walsall vehicle. Isle of Wight vehicles contained my cousin David’s initials, DL. David and his family – Auntie Nancy and Uncle Cyril - would often join up with us for part of our annual holiday, often bringing Granny White down with them from Walsall, a long journey in those days. Work had taken our family down to London, so those shared holidays were always a happy time.
I don’t know how they came across it, but my parents had found a holiday home in Ventnor, towards the top of Zig Zag Road which still winds its way down to the beach. The house was in St. Alban’s Road, just along from the Church of St. Alban-the-Martyr with its mysterious aroma of incense. To be honest there wasn’t an awful lot for young lads to do in Ventnor, you had to make your own entertainment in those days, but every holiday David and I would walk along to Ventnor Station, at the foot of St. Boniface Down, where – letter by letter – we would punch out our name, or some other message, on a thin strip of metal on the BAC Nameplate Stamping Machine.
BAC Nameplate Stamping Machine found on many station platforms in the 1950s (photograph courtesy of Douglas Bryce, Pilton, Edinburgh and the EdinPhoto website